What I’m working on at the moment.

What am I working on?
Fire fairy (working title) sort of an urban fantasy-ish vibe. The heroine is Lucia Haven. She’s a healer with a strong affinity for Fire and Earth, but she’s only let her fire out on a few select occasions up until this point because of the damage it can cause.
She’s moved to another city along with her friends and the change has been good for her. She’s soon to meet four men who are determined to show her she’s the one for them.
Rescuing the Witch- a short story in the world of Witch’s Destiny. If I could, I’d probably label it 2.5, but certain stores don’t allow .5 books. So it will have to be 3. It will feel in the gap of what’s happening in the area between books 2 and 3. It will focus on Thala and a dragon named Aziel. This story will not be about one of the Tiria.
Lynne’s story from the Claws and Spells series. She’s the healer who hid her abilities to stay alive. She meets her mates when they come to the pride after a call was put out for a lawyer to represent the pride.