Moriah’s life changes in the span of a day. Three gargoyles court her and danger lurks in the shadows.

Finding Their Flame
Moriah Ward’s normal life changes in one afternoon. Suddenly, three Gargoyles are courting her, and she’s learning there’s far more to her unusual abilities than she ever guessed. The attraction to the three muscular men unnerves her. She’s not sure how a relationship with them would work, but every moment with them fuels her desire. As she gets to know them, danger draws closer. When she’s attacked, Dante, Cael, and Thane sweep in and take her home with them.
Dante, Cael, and Thane never expected their mate to be half Branal or to have to leave her outside the safety of the community. With Gobel attacks on the rise, their nerves are stretched with worry. Every touch pulls them to her, increasing the heat flaring between them. When danger gets too close, they step in. They have to keep her safe or lose the chance to claim her love.
“You know I should slam your head right into this wall. This is all because you had to go and say that the Fates loved you. After a remark like that, the tricky witches had to do something.” Cael turned to glare at him.
Dante shook his head and flexed his hands. After so many years, they’d finally found their mate. The pretty baker was theirs. Heat built within him. He took a deep breath. Calm down. She doesn’t even know our names.
It should have been a noarmal assignment. Meet with Calista and her brother and accompany Cim Sin to a bakery to check out a woman Naomi had felt power radiating from. With Cael along to help and Naomi’s mates coming, as well, even if they found trouble, there shouldn’t be an issue. But the Fates threw their mate at them in the form of this half Branal woman.
Dante crossed his arms over his chest. The golden-haired woman sat at a white table with the Agali Calista Vincente and Calista’s brother, William Vincente. Right there. She was right there across the room, but he couldn’t go over and grab her.
Small yellow, turquoise, and pink diamonds scattered between the white tiles of the floor separating them. She sat maybe fifteen feet away and a couple tables stood in his way, but he might as well be blocked by bars. He couldn’t claim her, yet.
“I’m Calista Vincente. Until recently, I was the Agali, the leader, of the Branal here. This is my brother, William Vincente, the present Agal.” Calista smiled and leaned forward.
“I’m Moriah.” Moriah brushed a strand of hair away from her face. Bright green eyes gleamed like gems. “So, what exactly is a Branal? I mean, I’m supposed to be half Branal, according to you.”
Dante took a deep breath and rolled his shoulders. Such a beautiful name, very much like her. How old is she? By looks, maybe in her twenties, but she was part Branal. She could be older.
Golden hair gleamed in the overhead lights. A pink band pulled the mass back away from her face, to hang in a slightly curly fall just past her shoulders. She smoothed her hands over the splashes of red, yellow, and turquoise on her blue apron. The fabric molded to the swell of her breasts and cinched at the curve of her hips, providing ample evidence of her sweet figure.
Cael had a point. Taunting the Fates hadn’t been smart, but this coincidence went far beyond what he would ever expect. The claim should have been safe. Two female Branal were mates to other groups within their community. Relationships between Gargoyles and the Branal were very rare.
“Yeah, I’d rather you not do that right now. She’s already looking at us as if we’re alien creatures. Who knows what she would think of us if you slam my head into the wall.” Dante rubbed a hand over his jaw.
“Well, you don’t ask the easy questions. We’ve been on Earth as long or longer than humans, depends on who you talk to.” Calista shrugged. “A Branal is a long-lived being with an affinity for fire and the ability to draw energy. With practice, we can use that in different ways, such as twist it to stun our enemies or take back a soul stolen by one of our enemies.”
Moriah licked her lips. “You said you’ve been on Earth. Did the Branal come from somewhere else?”
Dante bit his lip. She did ask some tough questions.
Calista chuckled. “That’s something that depends on who you talk to, as well. But as far as I know, some lines originated here and some on other worlds. The same as the Gargoyles.”
Moriah glanced over at him. Those brilliant green eyes glittered. Dante took a deep breath. The pull to her was so intense, the draw so strong. Everyone talked about the physical, but it was more. He had to learn everything about her. At least, he could eavesdrop on her conversation thanks to the enhanced senses of his Gargoyle half and the empty bakery.
“I don’t think that it’s us necessarily. So many things are being thrown at her right now. I’m surprised she’s not screaming. And she doesn’t know the important part, yet.” Cael leaned back against the wall.
“I’m close to screaming myself. You know what this means.” Dante shifted on his feet.
“And that’s why I want to slam your head into something.” Cael elbowed him.
Her business was in neutral territory. When they left today, they had to leave her here. They had to court her. Those Fates had really screwed them over. They couldn’t pick her up and take her back to the community.
“Yeah, I want to smack my head against something for that, too.” Dante clenched his fist. They hadn’t even been formally introduced yet.
He leaned back. Maybe he could learn something from her conversation, but before he left, he’d talk to her. Freaking politics and rules might not let him pick her up and take her home, but he’d at least meet his mate.
Her business seemed to be stable and profitable from first glance. Accents of red, yellow, and turquoise spread over the wall just as they did the floor. Bright and cheery, just like her.
“And that gray thing we encountered. Is that like the Gargoyles, because my cousin doesn’t look like that, and you said that’s what he was. I can’t change into anything, so I’m pretty sure it’s not Branal.” She clasped her hands together.
“No, that’s not a Gargoyle. That’s a corrupted Gobel.” Calista shook her head.
“A corrupted Gobel? How about you explain it to me? What makes it corrupted? Is there a non-corrupt version?” Moriah blew out a breath and looked up at the ceiling.
“I’ll try to make this simple for now. You can learn more later. The Gobel guard the vortexes to the other worlds I mentioned. They generally keep to that duty. Sometimes, they become greedy or dabble in mage craft and that corrupts them. They change physically and lose control. The ones we encounter are the ones that escaped before the other Gobel could stop them.” Calista grimaced.
“Okay that’s not too clear, but I don’t think it will be at this point. Moving on. I go to visit your people and learn to handle my power. Are we talking short lessons? Because I can do some things. My cousin will visit their people and learn to handle his abilities. So why are there so many other people here, and why are those two staring at me?” She glanced over at Cael and him.
“It will be from the ground up lessons with a teacher and later a mentor. You’ll learn how to channel your power because you might not be doing it the most effective way, for one thing. You’ll also be taught to fight and channel your power through a blade, so you can protect yourself and others. There’s a lot you need to learn.” Calista leaned forward.
“And the staring?” Moriah slid her gaze over to them again.
Dante smiled at her. She tilted her head and frowned. That was one confused woman. Hopefully, they could change that once they talked to her. She’d at least know why they watched her.
“Yes, um, them, they have a reason for staring at you. The others. Well, the woman, Naomi, was in here once and noticed that there was a person here that didn’t feel human. She told someone, and because of the location we’re all here. There are specific territories for each of our groups and an area where both can go without any problems.” William lifted a shoulder. “This place is in the neutral territory.”
“So why are they staring at me?” Moriah asked.
“Um, Calista, you want to explain that to her?” William looked over at the blonde beside him.
Calista sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. “You know you’re going to have to do all of this after today.”
“Yeah, I never did that when I was at Ryan’s. The community in Sweet Grove is established. I always had an older woman do it for the females and an older man do it for the males. Hell, I haven’t found mine. How am I supposed to know what to say to them?” William shook his head.
“You know the signs. Don’t try to play that off. These are your people now.” Calista scowled at her brother. “You take care of them. You guide them.”
Her brother held up his hands. “All right, I get it. Can you do it this time?”
“Yes.” Calista nodded. She turned her attention to Moriah. “You’re attracted to those two men, aren’t you?”
Moriah flinched and drew back. She grimaced. Dante tensed. That was too blunt.
He took a step forward. Calista held up her hand. Had she seen him move? He hesitated. Moriah shouldn’t be afraid of what was between them.
Moriah exhaled heavily. She glanced over at them. Her teeth grazed over her lip. She didn’t need to answer. Curiosity and desire flared in her green eyes.
“Well, they are hot.” Moriah shrugged.
“From the way your eyes glowed, I’m sure there’s more there than simple admiration for their physique.” Calista folded her hands on the table.
Moriah stared for a moment. “My eyes glowed?”
“Yes, your eyes glowed. That’s what happens when Branal encounter their mates. You only have to get close to them for it to happen.” Calista glanced over at Cim Sin. “I don’t know if you noticed, because it’s easy to miss. There was probably a little heat in your eyes at the time.”
Moriah worried at her lower lip. “Well, I did feel some irritation, but I thought it was dry eyes.”
“That I can understand. When I first felt it, I thought it was the glare of lights. It took me a little while to realize what exactly was happening.” Calista nodded.
“So, the eye thing means that I found the person that I should be with. How do I know who it is?” Moriah leaned forward.
“Well, if it was a Branal in a crowded room, there might be a little difficulty. Eventually, they’d work it out. But, in your case, it’s a Gargoyle. Well, more than one. You’ll have to talk to them to get the details. Gargoyles can scent their mates. They’ve known exactly what you are to them since they walked into your bakery.” Calista turned to face Cael and Dante.
“Them?” Moriah glanced over and lowered her eyes.
“Wait. More than one husband? That’s not legal.”
“Legally, you’d marry one of them.” Calista lifted a shoulder. “And you’d have to talk to them to discover if it’s just them or if there might be another one.”
“Another one? You implied that you had a mate. Where is he?” Moriah tilted her head.
“Yes, I’ve encountered part of them. They’re Gargoyles, but their set isn’t complete. There are two, but know there should be three. Until they find the third, we won’t complete the mating.” Calista exhaled heavily.
“So do all relationships have two or three men with Gargoyles? And just because my eyes do that thing, is it set in stone that I have to be with them?” Moriah leaned forward.
“Some Branal choose to mate with a Branal that’s not the one for them, but I haven’t ever heard of anyone not mating when Gargoyles are involved.” Calista lifted a shoulder.
“That would be because Gargoyles never quit even if we have to do things in a way other than the normal. I’m Cim Sin. A Cim is a leader of the Gargoyle.” Cim Sin strolled over to the table. “Why don’t you go talk? You’re never going to know how you feel until you learn a little about each other.”
Moriah glanced over and bit her lip. She nodded and slowly rose to her feet and strode to them.
Dante didn’t move. Her hands clenched at her side. She definitely was not calm. Would she run if he got closer than arm’s length?
“Why didn’t you tell us that you would be leaving for six months?” Sin sat down across from Calista.
“It was something that couldn’t be changed. If you’d found your third before now, I would have told you about it. But even if you had, I’d have to go. It’s the way power is handed over in the Branal.” She sighed.
“No, it wouldn’t change it, but you need to trust us and keep us informed. Waiting to claim you isn’t easy even though Bram and I know we need our third. I think of little else at times.” Sin leaned forward.
That was true. Sin had sent him a memo meant for his company and sent an order for a security detail to the accounting department. Very out of the ordinary for Sin. Sin was very organized and didn’t make those mistakes.
Dante turned his full attention to Moriah. Their woman stopped in front of them. She stood for a moment, shifting on her feet. Damn, that was endearing.
“So, she’s his mate along with some other people?” Moriah glanced over at Calista.
“Yes, but Sin and Bram don’t know who or where their third is.” Dante smiled at her.
“Why don’t we go sit down? You can ask the questions you have. We’ll talk.” Cael glanced at a nearby table.
“That sounds all right.” Moriah nodded. She strolled over and sat down.
Dante and Cael followed. They took a seat. Sitting was better. At least, they wouldn’t be looming over her. She wasn’t short, but they were large men.
“Hi, I’m Dante Graham, and he’s Cael Pearson.” Dante settled in the seat across from her.
“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Moriah Ward.” She licked her lips.
“So, why don’t you ask any questions you have? We’ll have time to talk about everything even if we don’t get to it today.” Cael tilted his head.
“Calista couldn’t tell me how many of you there were. Is it just you two? Or is there another?” Moriah rested her palms on the tabletop. “And she never told me why all of you were here. I can see them, but it doesn’t take everybody to talk to us.”
“There’s another. His name is Thane Harris. He’s a doctor and is at work today.” Dante leaned forward. “And we’re here to guard them. It’s our job to make sure nothing happens to the Cim or their woman.”
“So how do you know that I’m supposed to bond with you? Because of the Branal in me, I have this weird eye thing. What happens with a Gargoyle?” She clasped her hands together.
“When I walked in and saw you, I felt a flash of recognition.” Dante slid his hand under the table and clenched his fist. The raw flash had seared with its heat and strength. And somehow, she had Branal blood. Which meant a hell of a lot of stress in the future for Cael, Thane, and him.
“So that recognition means we should be together?” She frowned.
Her teeth worried her lower lip. She was nervous, but it was understandable. Everything was changing.
“The recognition, the knowing, I might have had some doubts about it if I hadn’t felt it two times before.” Cael smiled and reached over. His fingers brushed across the back of her hand.
She stiffened, but didn’t pull away from him. That was a good sign. Perhaps her fear and the strangeness of the situation wasn’t completely negating the pull of the mating bond.
“You mean with Dante and the other one, Thane?” She looked from Cael and back to him.