She knew dating him would only lead to pain. But now, he claims she’s his mate.

Wolf’s Claim
Wolf’s Claim
Dating Gavin will only lead to pain. A werewolf doesn’t date. He mates. Diana knows, but she’ll grab the happiness and make memories now. When Gavin’s attacked, she calls for help and investigators.
Gavin wanted to give Diana everything a woman wants from a man. She was his mate. The heat runs hot between them, but he gives her dates, romance, and time to know him. It pushes him to the edge. Only claiming her will satisfy the beast. When they try to put him in protective custody, he won’t go–not without Diana.
When Gavin tells Diana she’s his mate, she doesn’t believe him. He’ll have to protect her from the killers stalking them and convince her that she’s his mate.
Chapter One
Strains of recorded music filled the night air as the crowd slowly filtered out of the open-air theater. Diana leaned into Gavin’s side as they waited to the side of the stairs for the mass of people leaving the concert in the park to thin a little. Damn, it was good to be with him. She rested her head against his soft, white shirt. His hard muscles offered a firm support. Warmth radiated off of him pushing away some of the chill from the evening.
Such a great night. Thrilling music and time with Gavin was more than the cherry on top of a wonderful night. The date wouldn’t end when he took her home. They might start with a kiss, but he wouldn’t leave her at the door. They’d say goodnight with murmured words and cuddles after a little pleasure.
She peeked up at him. He was so damned good looking. Sometimes, she had to stop herself from staring at him, but now, she could look her fill. His attention focused on the people around them and more than a few women stared at him. The light wind had mussed his blond hair and it curled near the white collar of his shirt. Her fingers tingled. It would be so easy to reach up and stroke her fingers along that strong jaw, but she held back.
Gavin’s eyes moved from person to person in the crowd, scanning for possible threats. Overprotective man. She shook her head. His uneasiness about the people around them made sense. He worked in security. In his case, the habit grew from more than his job at Contech Security, a business owned by Evan Connors, the alpha of the werewolves in Dallas. As a wolf shifter, Gavin had many instincts—protective, possessive, and predatory.
“Hey, Gavin, expecting trouble?” She patted his shoulder. “We’ll be out of here soon.”
“No, but you never know when something’s going to pop up.” He glanced down at her, but turned back to the people slowly leaving
If only some of those possessive instinct would focus on her. She flexed her fingers. It wasn’t possible for that to happen. He’d only feel that way for his mate. If she’d been his mate, she’d know it. Weres practically shouted that information the minute they met the lucky woman. It had been a couple meetings before he’d even asked her on a date. So she definitely wasn’t his. Still, every date was wonderful and she’d savor every moment they were together.
She didn’t date men like him very much. He had muscles on his muscles. Not that he worked out religiously to get them. It was that Were build. Almost all of them had broad shoulders and great muscles. With his eye-catching looks, the man could have modeled or starred in movies. Well over six feet and built like an ancient warrior, he drew feminine stares like a seventy five-percent-off designer shoe sale.
Gorgeous, muscled hunks normally didn’t go after the geeky, average girl. He’d surprised the hell out of Diana when he asked her out that first time. Not that he’d actually asked her, but it usually took time for men to discover there was more to her than what was on the surface. On the other hand, hunger had blazed in his green eyes the moment they’d touched her curves.
Diana tilted her head to the side. Muscles moved beneath Gavin’s shirt. She stepped forward. Touching him would be so sweet. Large fingers closed around her wrist and he urged her back. She sighed. Okay, so no getting that close until they were in the car.
He stood between her and the crowd. His eyes remained fixed on the men and women filtering out of the concert. Such a protector, or maybe that should be predator.
Finally, he nodded. With a quick tug on her hand, he drew her into the last trickle of exiting patrons. Ahead of them, two women in designer gowns and high heels slowly tottered up the stairs. Gavin pressed her forward and to the right, keeping his body firmly between her and most of the crowd.
Overprotective wolf. Eyes glued to the staircase, she focused on not tripping over her own feet. Cool night air brushed against her left side. Gavin had stopped. She frowned and a heavy weight settled in her stomach.
“Ally?” He sounded a little confused.
Turning to look at him, she tried to brush away the rush of fear. Simple paranoia. He saw someone he knew. A woman stood in front of Gavin. His body jerked and he grimaced, muscles tightening. His arm swept out, pushing her behind him, just as his other shoved at the blonde in front of him.
Diana’s heart slammed against her chest. She eased back into the rows of seats to give him room. He’d flinched. Was he hurt?
She clenched her jaw and shook her head. Her gut churned. Fucking hell, she couldn’t just stand here. She turned and searched the ground and nearby seats for something to use as a weapon. Nothing. Her hands tightened into fists. She had to help him.
She swung back to Gavin. He lifted his arm defensively. A low growl rolled through the air. Hair stood on the back of her neck and a shiver rolled down her spine at the clear threat in that rumble. The blonde woman stumbled back. The long skirt of her evening gown nearly tripped her, but she dove forward again. Silver flashed in the light as a knife sank deep into Gavin’s arm.
Son of a bitch. If only she had a gun. Helplessness burned through her. She’d distract Gavin if she rushed forward.
A shrill, feminine scream pierced the night from somewhere below them. She jumped, but so did the blonde attacking Gavin. The woman’s head swung wildly from side to side. Her hands dropped to her side.
The bloody dagger hung limply from her fingers for a moment. The woman gripped the hilt again. Diana stared at the woman who seemed only now to realize that there were people around them. She’s crazy.
The blonde woman spun. She and two men sprinted down the stairs and around the stage area. Diana narrowed her eyes. The woman’s evening dress looked designer and the two men were in suit jackets and slacks like everyone else in the crowd.
Diana cursed under her breath. Not a mugging. Not the way they were dressed. Her heart thudded against her chest. A chill skittered through her and her knees weakened. Those people had targeted Gavin. Shit!
Gavin slumped, before straightening. Diana tensed and focused on him. That bitch hurt Gavin. Diana rushed forward. Curving an arm around him, she pushed him into a chair. He winced as he landed. Red stained his shirt front.
Tremors shook her hands as she pushed the jacket back. She drew in a hissing breath. Damn it. She clenched her teeth and a scream locked in her tight throat. He’d been stabbed once in the side. The hole in his shirt was small, but dark red blood plastered the fabric to his skin.
Tears burned her eyes and she swallowed hard. The coppery scent of blood filled her nose. Her chest tightened as if bands constricted around her. She couldn’t lose him. Not like this.
She gingerly pulled the tail of his white shirt free of his black pants. The damn thing was in the way. Blood flowed from the puncture, down his golden skin and to his pants. She bit her lip. Had it hit something vital? Then there was his arm. That slice bled even faster than the puncture in his side.
She took off her long-sleeved, white bolero jacket. It might match her dress, but it was the only thing she had. Her blood pounded in her ears. I have to slow the blood loss.
Ripping off the sleeve, she tied it around his arm, not too tight, but tight enough to put pressure on the cut. She pressed the bulk of the cloth to the wound at his side even as she put her hand in her purse to search for her phone. Police wouldn’t do here. Not with the set up of the woman, two men, and Gavin knowing her name. It was too damn similar to Agent Mareno’s attack.
A man in a suit knelt beside her. She glanced at the black-haired man. Her hands curled into fists. Who the fuck was he? Gavin was already hurt. She’d stood behind him like a helpless idiot while he’d been stabbed. Not again. As the man leaned forward to apply pressure, Gavin snarled low in his throat. The man jerked back.
“I’m a paramedic. Can I help?” The man looked at her.
Yeah, smart man. Gavin wouldn’t be reasonable. She’d have to talk him into it. Hopefully, he’d let someone help, because she had no idea if she was doing the right thing. She held the jacket against Gavin’s side with one hand and tried to find the palm-sized phone with the other.
“Gavin.” She glared at him and bared her teeth at the man. “I need to get an ambulance for you and some people here to take care of this. We’ll both watch him, but we need some help.”
The low rumbling stopped, but Gavin’s eyes locked onto the man. The wolf was close to the surface. Instinct would push him to keep possible threats away from him when he was injured. Somehow, he pushed past that enough to let someone touch him. Fucking amazing.
“Hold the jacket, please. I need to get someone here.” She pulled back enough that he could apply pressure to Gavin’s wound.
“There were at least three people calling to report this.” The man frowned. “An ambulance is already on its way.”
“I work for the Protectorate. I’m involved, so this won’t be a normal investigation.” She stared at him as she finally found the phone. Okay, so that wasn’t precisely the truth, but the paramedic didn’t need to know. He wouldn’t get any information about Gavin that she could possibly keep from him.
This attack screamed for handling by the Protectorate, the agency that dealt with crime committed against or by the paranormal groups. Pressing the speed dial for the Protectorate, she tightened her fingers on the case as she waited for an answer.
A calm, familiar voice answered. “Protectorate. Hello, Diana. Who do you need?”
Diana exhaled and her shoulders relaxed a little. “I need an ambulance for a male at Tarrant Park and I need an agent familiar with the Mareno case to meet us at the hospital.”
“An ambulance is on the way, Diana. Reason you think this is related?” Thom Stanford asked evenly.
“I think it was supposed to resemble a mugging, but there were three of them. Nicely dressed, blending in with the crowd, and the woman was dressed in what I’m fairly sure was a designer gown. Gavin called her Ally, so they’ve met. Definitely not a run-of-the-mill mugging. The ambulance will need to go to one of the special clinics.” Diana swept her gaze around the area for any possible threats. Other than the paramedic, no one was close. The men and woman had vanished onto one of the paths after that scream.
She focused on the paramedic and the call. The paramedic either thought Gavin was crazy or realized he was a Were of some kind, but beyond that she kept it vague. Talking in offhand code was strange, but the attack made her hyper-aware of possible danger.
The paramedic didn’t seem to have a problem at the moment, but she wouldn’t bring trouble to Gavin and his people later. She’d worry about the future later. Gavin moaned. Her stomach dropped to somewhere near her knees. Fuck, he had to be all right.
“An agent will meet you at the hospital. Are we talking Were or vampire?” Thom was all business. The quiet click of keys carried over the line as he entered the information.
She took a deep breath. Damn, she was way too keyed up. Adrenaline pounded through her body. The weight of people watching them felt like a hand on her shoulder. Too damn many people milled around the area, watching the drama. They were only watching, but she couldn’t relax.
“He works for Evan Connors, so it’s the first, and the group is Dallas, I think.” Diana lifted her gaze to Gavin’s and he nodded. “I’m pretty sure it’s Dallas. His name is Gavin Deacon.”
“We’ll do the notification and there will probably be someone there from his pack to see what happened,” Thom said.
“Okay, thank you.” She cut the connection and focused on Gavin. This would be one of the longest waits ever.
Her teeth sank into her lower lip. Damn, Gavin was so quiet and cooperative. That couldn’t be good. He was pale beneath his tanned skin and he didn’t move. How badly was he actually hurt? Was blood loss behind the silence?
The ambulance finally arrived and the Protectorate operatives appeared at almost the same time. As they loaded him onto the gurney, she talked with the Protectorate operatives and the police. She bunched the expensive fabric of Gavin’s black jacket in her hand. A soft jingling sounded. She frowned and stuck her hand in the pocket of the jacket, pulling out keys.
Unease and fear rippled through her. She clenched her hands. The keys bit into her palm. The paramedics guided the gurney into the ambulance. One climbed into back and the other closed the door.
Her gaze locked on the closed doors of the vehicle. She swallowed and her chest ached. Fuck, she couldn’t rip the door open and jump in there with him. She had to answer questions. The ambulance drove off with lights still flashing, but the siren off. Would he be all right? Had they done enough for him.
She shifted from foot to foot. The agent asked another question. This interview was taking forever. She scowled. Surely, he could get the damn facts faster.
Finally, the agent sent her on her way. She drove to the hospital the shifters used, but the drive was a blur. Had they taken him in to operate already? Was he alright or had he taken a turn for the worse? Damn, that man had to be alright. If only she hadn’t had to stay and talk with the agents, she wouldn’t have these questions.
By the time she arrived at the hospital, a low ache burned in her gut. Thanks to her work in the Protectorate she knew about this place. She’d go crazy if she’d had to hunt him down. Or even worse wait until they released him.
The building didn’t look like a medical facility. No, the building seemed to be a freaking office complex. How was there more than a doctor’s office here?
As she got out of the car, she focused on the entrance. A guard stood at the glass doors. Hopefully, this was some kind of camouflage. It was so damn innocuous. If this wasn’t the address she’d programmed into her phone, she would drive right past it.
She walked up to the door and the guard barred the way as she neared.
“Diana Smith?” the man asked.
“Yes, I’m Diana. I think they brought Gavin Deacon here.” She stopped out of his reach.
She fisted her hands at her side. How did he know her name? Who told them her name and why would they need security at the door of a hospital?
Get a grip. She took a deep breath. It didn’t matter. Since he knew who she was, she shouldn’t have problems seeing Gavin.
“They’re expecting you. I’ll take you back.” The man stepped, giving her space to walk into the building.
She walked with the man and glanced around. Damn, this was a strange place. White walls contrasted with the dark doors along the hallway. They passed room after room. None of them bore a nameplate or number. A faint medicinal smell did hang in the air, but it contrasted sharply with the office appearance. And for some reason, they had a guard outside this nondescript building.
Maybe he meant the doctors and Gavin. Who the hell else could he be talking about? The Protectorate agent involved with the case couldn’t have arrived this soon. She flexed her fingers. Hopefully, this walk didn’t take long.
How was Gavin doing? They hadn’t encountered anyone yet. She bit her lip. Damn, she needed patience. Worry gnawed in her gut though. She’d know soon. It shouldn’t take too long until they reached wherever the doctors were treating Gavin.
The guard opened the last door along the hallway. She stepped into a waiting room. A cream color covered the walls and yellow accented it. Overall, a very soothing atmosphere. Not bad for a clinic.
He led her through a door into a narrow corridor lined with doors, but didn’t pause at any of them. Her hand fisted. Son of a bitch, where was the man taking her? Why was it taking so long to get to Gavin?
Her stomach churned and her muscles tightened. Were they deliberately keeping her from Gavin? She swallowed hard against a scream. Not fucking happening.
She inhaled and exhaled. No panicking now. She pushed the mass of emotion down. They wouldn’t do that. This man was probably Gavin’s pack mate.
At the end of the hall, he guided her into an elevator. The elevator descended at least one floor. She worried her lower lip. Fuck, was he in surgery? Had they already finished? The lack of news nagged at her.
The elevator doors slid back. Finally. Diana stepped out and blinked at the curved nurse’s station right in front of her. A light antiseptic scent hung in the air. The area didn’t feel cramped or closed in. The guard walked around the station. She followed him along the creamy, white hallway. Farther down the hall, two people stood outside of one of the rooms.
It was a man and woman. The man had straight, black hair and dark brown eyes. He was striking, but the woman beside him was stunning and a little familiar. Shining black hair hung down the woman’s back and contrasted with her pale skin. Diana frowned. She didn’t know the woman. Where had she seen her?
Diana shrugged. It would eventually come to her and Gavin was more important. She strode down the hall. The man at her side hadn’t slowed. Hopefully, he knew the room number. He walked slightly ahead of her now.
“This is Diana Smith, the woman who was with Gavin when he was stabbed.” The man stopped in front of the two people outside the door. He gestured back to Diana. “Diana, this is Evan Connors, alpha of the pack, and his mate, Geneva.”
Diana drew in a breath. Oh, Geneva. That’s why she was familiar. Geneva had been a liaison between the coven of witches in Dallas and the Protectorate before she’d met her mate. Trouble with one of those witches had drawn Geneva and Evan together. Diana hadn’t been introduced to the woman, but she’d seen the woman on enough video that she was very familiar now.
“Hello, is Gavin okay?” She frowned and glanced at the door.
“They’re finishing stitching him up and the last of a transfusion right now, although believe me, he wasn’t happy that you didn’t come with him. What happened?” Evan stepped forward and stared down at her.
Oh, yeah, this was definitely the alpha of the pack. Diana stiffened. She wouldn’t want to be the one who made this man angry. A presence, an unmistakable cloak of power, surrounded him. Even she felt the urge to answer quickly and she wasn’t one of his pack.
“He was attacked. I think it was supposed to look like a fatal mugging.” She leaned a shoulder against the wall. Why would Gavin be targeted by those people. He wasn’t the pack member in the media the most. They usually went for a visible or connected target.
The Society had targeted vamps primarily in the past year, so the attack on a Were was surprising, but this was a splinter group. There was no telling what they planned to do. If they couldn’t get to the alpha, maybe they’d targeted multiple werewolves and managed to get some interest out of Gavin.
“You think the authorities were supposed to believe it was a mugging. Why do you think it wasn’t and why did you call the Protectorate?” Evan’s tone lowered into a rumbling demand.
She blinked at the change. “Well, Gavin knew the woman and the situation reminded me way too much of an attack from a video I’d reviewed earlier this month. I analyze video for the Protectorate.”
“An attack. The man in that situation survived?” Evan frowned.
“If you want details, you’ll have to wait to talk to the agent on that case, but yes, the man survived. I know what I saw and the way they attacked was too similar to the other case to ignore. Add in the fact he knew the name of his supposed mugger and it’s too much of a coincidence.” She shrugged and leaned back against the wall. “They told me they were contacting his pack, but I didn’t realize you’d arrive before I could get here.”
“When I receive word that a member of my pack is hurt, I don’t waste time.” He raised a brow. “Do you know if this was a one-time attack?”
“If the same people are behind it, no, it won’t be a one-time problem.” Diana drew in a deep breath. Gavin needed to be protected and he’d be relocated for a time. A pang shot through her. Damn, she probably wouldn’t see him again until they caught or killed the people behind this.
“How did you meet Gavin?” Geneva’s voice cut into the silence.
Diana smiled. “He was one of the associates sent to the scene of one of the robberies that have happened lately. It’s suspected that shifters of one type or another are part of the crew. We met as my relief showed up to give me a break from the monitor in the mobile tech unit. He asked me out then and there and somehow I found myself agreeing.”
Evan probably knew part of that. He didn’t seem like the type to leave the small details to someone else. He’d know who was sent to work with Protectorate. Cooperation between the human-run Protectorate and the paranormal groups had increased over the last few months.
Even now she couldn’t believe she’d said yes to him. It was unusual for her. She didn’t jump into things, but the pull toward Gavin had been irresistible. Yeah, he was a gorgeous, muscled, and so far had been right out of a romantic dream. She hadn’t been able to keep her emotions out of the relationship. Damn, she’d tried though. She’d get her heart broken here, but she couldn’t step back. Every time she tried, the words stuck in her throat.