He’s here for her.

Jericho’s Claim
Darmain Colony Lovers
He’s here for her.
When Jericho left the colony, Charleigh lost herself in work. Now he’s back and he wants to begin again. The desire between them burns fierce and hot, but Charleigh wants more. This time she has to be sure he won’t walk away.
Jericho left Darmain to create a future with Charleigh. Now he’s back and nothing will stand between him and Charleigh. Not her stubbornness and resistance or the man stalking her. Getting Charleigh back in his arms is easy compared to regaining her trust and the love they once had. Jericho won’t accept less than everything. He’ll have her love, her trust, and her delicious body. She’s his woman and always has been.
This is a heavily edited and revised re-release of a previously published book, Lover’s Return.
Chapter One
Jericho clenched his fists. Fuck, why was she being so stubborn. Charleigh Donner stepped out onto the dance floor with yet another man. Her blue dress swirled around her legs and the dipping top swept a little low.
That woman was his. He gritted his teeth and forced himself back into the straight-backed, wood chair. If he got up, he’d do more than talk with that man. Slamming his fist right into that bastards jaw sounded too damn good.
“Whoa, Jericho. Calm down. I don’t want to have to arrest you.” Rio put his hand on Jericho’s shoulder and leaned close. “If you don’t control yourself, she might be left in danger.”
His brother was right. Better think of something else. He took a deep breath and looked around, trying to calm the rising rage. The bar recalled a time soon after colonization, when people had to combine natural resources with the technology they’d brought with them. Even the lighting was dimmer than the modern lights to simulate a lower power level. The wooden bar and tables hid the advanced tech they used. The only modern amenities were concealed behind the bar and in the bathrooms. It was all very much at odds with the air skimmers on the landing lot at the back.
“I won’t leave her out here to face it alone.” Jericho closed his eyes. “She needs to talk to me.”
“You did break off your relationship with her leave. I’d have a problem with that, too.” Rio brushed at something on his blue shirt.
“Yes, but you know the reason for that. That was for her so she wouldn’t be waiting for years and wondering what happened to me.” Jericho shook his head. He’d ached to hold his woman again almost since the moment he’d stepped onto the ship. The years away from her had seemed an eternity. He wouldn’t lose her again to anyone.
“Yes, but Jericho, she doesn’t know. She doesn’t know anything about why you left.” Rio patted Jericho on the shoulder.
Jericho shot a glance at his brother. The training for the Planetary Police had bulked his brother up. At least, he’d come tonight to keep him from doing something he might regret.
“That’s no local swinging her around the floor. Yeah, one of the locals might try to get us to resolving our problems. I wouldn’t worry about them, but she’s dancing with a damn space pilot. Those roaming jockeys don’t care if a woman was single, engaged, or even married. If they’re not caught in the act, there’s no consequences for them to face.” Jericho rolled his shoulders.
“Don’t worry. She wouldn’t go home with one of those guys.” Rio nodded to the dance floor. “Plus, I think some of our neighbors agree with you.”
A local man tapped the pilot on the shoulder and cut in on the dancers. The pilot returned to the bar. Jericho sighed and relaxed. As long as she didn’t try to leave with the bastard, he could give her a little more time. He caught her eye. Hopefully, Charleigh realized that his patience would run out at some point.
“Good, but man, this isn’t how I thought it would be after I spent years establishing my trade business.” Jericho ran a hand through his hair. No warm welcome, no hug or kiss. She hadn’t even wanted to talk to him.
The colony of Darmain wasn’t young and isolated any longer, as it had been even in their grandparents’ time. Darmain was growing and his home city Cassid with it. Although in ways, Cassid and a few other places on the planet still had the frontier-town values. Locals looked out for each other. The man who’d cut in on the pilot was an example of that.
“This isn’t your dreams. She is pissed and I doubt forgiveness will come easily. None of the good women do.” Rio laughed.
Charleigh scowled at him. Jericho grinned. She thought he’d sent the man to stop her from dancing with the pilot. Not a bad idea, but not his plan.
She still loved him. It was there in her eyes. She should see the same in his. His feelings for her had never changed. He’d loved the stubborn woman even then, but had to leave the colony to make contacts and establish his business.
“Give it a little time, Jericho. You’ll be able to tell her everything soon.” Rio gripped his arm.
“If she’d just listen to me, she’d know. I couldn’t provide for her then.” Jericho glanced down at his feet.
Her brother had focused his attention on that fact one night years ago. For the first time, he’d looked ahead to more than the immediate future and how much he enjoyed being with Charleigh. The future had loomed in front of him and he’d had to find a way to claim one with her. Being from one of the families who’d helped found Darmain had advantages, but there weren’t many opportunities for him here. Not that he could enjoy and live with.
He liked helping with the family ranch, but it wasn’t what he’d wanted to do for the rest of his life. As for the other family business, law enforcement, it didn’t hold his interest. But business and trading did. His family had helped him get started by allowing him to trade some livestock and tech that his brother Jonah had designed.
“I know and you will. Just patience and persistence like you use in your business.” Jonah squeezed his arm.
“Leaving Charleigh was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Before I came back, I was sure that I’d done everything right.” Jericho slid a glance to Charleigh. Now, he had some questions about that.
“I know Jericho and believe me I understand, Nate, Flint, and I are in a little of the same situation in a way.” Rio took a gulp of his beer.
“I’ve had nightmares of her with some other man. I might have had to break the relationship, but I always thought of her as mine.” Jericho gripped his mug. It kept him in his seat. Those thoughts had plagued him as he’d slept in utilitarian bunks in various space stations. The time away from her had been necessary though. She was safe here while he built a future they could share.
“And she will be. You just have to be patient and make sure you can tell her everything. You’re back, she’s single, and as angry as she is, she still has feelings for you.” Rio sat his mug down and gestured to the bartender for another.
True. He was back now. His return to the planet had been uncertain. Building a trading company took time. He could have a future with her here now. It wasn’t simple pride as his mother believed. Not all of it. It took years before the company grew enough to provide a life for them. She’d needed the freedom to grow and experience life.
“You can finally be with her. Maybe start a family and get mom off my back, especially since right not even in a relationship, technically.” Rio grabbed the new mug the bartender put to his right.
“I’ve missed even the nagging. As to the family part, I’ll have to take it up with Charleigh when we finally get past this. I couldn’t take her with me when her life here was so important to her. Now, I’m back and it’s time we started rebuilding what we had.” Jericho straightened. He’d done this for her. Her family and their business had always been a huge part of her life. She should have that unless there was no other way. He’d always intended to be with her. Even if they might have to build that life somewhere other than Darmain.
He stood. Sitting here and brooding wasn’t accomplishing anything. Charleigh’s attitude hadn’t improved by giving her space. Obviously, he’d wasted time with that tactic. Time to move on to another one.
“Go talk to her, but remember, this probably won’t be settled tonight.” Rio laughed. “I’ll be here in case you need some back up.”
Jericho shook his head. There wouldn’t be any need for help. He’d break through her defenses and get her to focus on him. That goal had only become more important as the days passed. Especially since he might not be the only one watching Charleigh.
He stalked through the bar, making his way through the locals and visitors to the planet. The music thrummed a low steady beat mixed with a lilting melody. He stared. She turned her head. Her eyes widened and she stiffened. Maybe now, she realized that he wouldn’t sit passively any longer.
She tensed and took a step back, but she stilled after that small retreat. As if she refused to let him see her run away. That brazen attitude was so sexy. At last, it was finally making an appearance. Her anger would be a change from being ignored.
Somehow, they had to get past this incomprehensible resistance of hers and into the forgiveness that would eventually come. His patience was running extremely low. With any luck, she’d forgive him soon.