A dip into the WIP about the colony on Darmain. For a while, I’ve thought aobut sharing more about this particular story. Since today has been a fabulously productive day, I finally got to it.
So when I was having trouble keeping my interest the WIP I was writing, I took on a couple new WIP. A werewolf book with a working title of Louisiana menage (Written, waiting in the queue to be revised) and a book about the colony era on Darmain (currently in progress). I’ve always been kind of curious about what it was like in those early years. Every time I thought about either Jericho’s Claim or Sephanie’s story (currently on the list to be revised to be republished, but there are other stories ahead of it), I did give some thought to those first years on the planet and what problems they would have had. Giving in to the urge to write about it kept me pushing on when I needed to get some writing done.
Okay, so about this WIP.
The heroine’s name is Kaylene. She came to Darmain with her brothers: Lang, Lance, and Tavon. Kaylene wants to be useful and help build a good life here on their new home. She prepared and learned everything she could to make sure they could do this.
The image doesn’t totally look like her. In my version, she has a deeper red hair, but it’s close.

There are more males than females. On top of that, the second ship that was supposed to follow them to Darmain didn’t make it. This leaves the ratio a little worse than it would have been. It’s mandated that men who wanted to marry will have to form a group and marry one woman
The colonists have been on the planet for about a year. Most males have formed groups and claimed land to build permanent homes. But the threat of pirates loom over them. So much could be lost in one raid.

Vann, Penn, Asher, and Quade had all met before they signed up for the colony. Forming a group with friends was a natural choice for them. Now, they’ve chosen their woman. All they have to do is convince her.
In Kaylene’s opinion, they’re constantly butting into her business, trying to tell her what to do and want her to stay home like some pampered princess. She’s not having that at all. She has no time for that. She has things to fix, new techniques to learn, and a life to build.
Unfortunately, the pirates aren’t the only problems on the planet. Danger lurks on the planet and among the colonists. And this is the situation that Kaylene faces at the start of the story.
I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend and happy reading!