Rebecca Airies
Too many to juggle

Four WIP is too many to juggle. For me, at least. So last year sometime, I had a real tough spot where I just needed to try something different to get my writing back on track. I usually keep it to two WIP at most so that I can concentrate on the story and the characters, but during that time, it wasn’t working. I wasn’t progressing.
I decided to mix things up and throw in a couple WIP that had been nagging at me to write them. And it did work for a while, my word count picked back up and I started progressing. The problem was keeping those different stories, characters, and worlds straight.
I’d work on a few scenes and chapters until I found a spot I needed to think about or a scene I needed to work out on paper before tackling it and then I’d switch to another. The problem was that doing it that way and then going on to the next WIP on the list often left me a little lost about where I left off in the WIP.
I’d look at the outline and sometimes wonder about references to the characters, what should happen, and emotional aspects of the scene. I was completely lost. So I had to go back and reread at least the previous chapter. *Big Sigh*
I kept on with trying to work on four WIP for a while–longer than I should have. I did get some words in and the variety of different things to work did keep my interest, but around the new year I decided to rethink the number. It served it’s purpose, but now, it’s holding me back.
I’ve put two of my WIP away and am working only on the remaining two–my dragon city menage and Stone Passions 4. When I finish one of the WIP I’m working on, I’ll move one of the others up into the active spot. And thanks to being able to stay in these two stories, I’m close now. I’m working on the last scene in Dragon City tonight! Yeah! I’m very excited and anxious to get on with the work. I have some plotted stories waiting to get started and of course, I need to plot Shonna’s story so I can get hers in progress.
As an aside, I hope you are doing well during this very difficult time and giving yourself the self-care that you need. I know my anxiety is up and that my focus is way lower than it was. I’m drinking more tea, taking time to play games and read for pleasure, and trying to keep my mood up with music and finding something funny to laugh at. Take care of yourselves please!
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