Breakthrough moments somentimes come when you’re in the middle of something else. Okay, so I’m stuck or was actually. The plot for a WIP I want to work on went nowhere.
I’ve waited for something to fall into place for days while going over everything I know about the characters, their history, the groups they belong to and wondering where I was missing that tiny piece that would give me a hint of what would drive the story along
Hi, it’s been a while since I posted anything here. Far too long actually. Blogging has been on my to-do list, but it just hasn’t happened. I’ve been distracted and busy. I’m finishing up final edits for In Her Bears’ Arms and just tonight, I had a breakthrough on the plot for Stone Passions 4. It will feature a triad of gargoyle heroes, that haven’t made an appearance in the books already published. So you don’t know them, but I hope you make a connection with them and their heroine.
So which book?
No, it isn’t the Cim, yet. According to the timeline, Callista still shouldn’t return to the city yet. I am eager to write her story and find out what obstacles she and the Cim will face. In the meantime, I’m using one of the female characters introduced in Stone Passions 3. By the way, Stone Passions 3 is fully written I still have to revise that and come up with a title for SP3. It’s next on the revision queue, but
I tried to plot this story for two weeks. I thought I had a conflict. Turned out as I pushed at this thread that it was merely a subplot, not even halfway big enough to be the main conflict. My potential antagonist couldn’t muster enough enthusiasm to keep the plot going for even 10k much less the 50 or 60k that I’d like to get.
So I knew I needed another antagonist, but I had no idea who. The characters hadn’t revealed anything during the first go through. I obviously needed to delve deeper.
Tonight though, it came to me as I looked over those final edits. A conflict big enough to move the plot forward. I’ll get out my little notecards and start writing out must-have plot points for the characters and conflict before working out how they all fit together in a coherent narrative with as few holes as possible.
Happy reading!