Beginning Journalling, again #writerlife #journalling



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cat, siri, sleepingLately, I’ve started bullet journalling again. I like writing on paper, making notes to myself and lists. And the bullet journal did help organize me. It also gave me a place to braindump where I could find it and not have to search through the various notebooks I had around. It was a dedicated area for me to do that.

I didn’t entirely stop, but the day to day of keeping up with that daily sheet sometimes became tiresome. If I got stuck on a scene, my daily goals taunted me when I had to put down finish Tempest’s introduction scene for the third time. Especially, if I still didn’t know what it was about that scene that held me up and it should all flow but didn’t. Now, getting stuck because I have character wrong is part of the reason I work on more than one manuscript, but I do need to keep plugging at it and thinking about it until I work my way out of the scene. And that dreaded reminder was there

So the daily stuff was put to the side. I do like the part of keeping track of what your doing or mapping out your goals. I decided to rework the daily part. It’s not done daily and is more of a list of tasks or goals.

I use the journal to map out scenes and make lists of accomplishments to keep me positive and focused on what I’ve done when I’m getting bogged down in the big picture overview of things. Sometimes it’s too easy to miss the small aspects that go into the bigger goals.

In the picture above, my cat, Siri, sleeps in her new favorite spot at the printer. At least with her there, I don’t have to worry about my print outs. If it was the black cat, there wouldn’t be a page without teeth marks, if not ripped. The sound of the printer tends to set him off.

What I’m up to right now.

Cover news if I get through with the update today, you should see the Trouble in Bliss cover on the coming soon page. I’m diligently working on Stone and Fire 3. I need to finish it so that I can begin writing Maggie’s story. I’m also revising Trouble in Bliss. I’ve had the cover for a while I just didn’t want to put it out there before I even started the revising/editing process.