Reflections on December’s beginning #amwriting



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December, it usually hits pretty hard and seems to go by so fast. This December is no exception.

Amid all the Christmas songs (I do like listening to them), searching for the right present, and writing, I’m also researching like a madwoman. I haven’t yet gotten to the goal setting and looking to the New Year yet, but I’m sure the panic will set in sometime soon that I should be doing that as well.

I’m finally back to making progress, both on actual writing and revisions. It feels good to be back on track, especially with the revisions. That’s been stagnant, stalled, or stymied for a while now. Normal practices weren’t working. I went to pen and paper and it’s working for adding the new scenes that are needed.

With as scattered as I’ve been over the past month, I’m sort of glad I didn’t do NANO. I’d probably still be wondering what happened and why I couldn’t get it together. Sometimes, the author brain won’t let go.

Other times, it lets ideas flow right through. Not to mention things I need to remember. Lists have become my friend.

On one of my lists is the title of all of the written but not revised books, not counting those that need to be re-released. That’s a separate list. But back to my main point, the list of to be revised books, I’ll probably skip ahead to Leslie’s story and begin going through it after I finish the one I’m working on now. Which will hopefully be finished before the end of the year. I know Leslie’s story will need less work than the one in front of it. So I’ll do Leslie and then begin working on the other.

Happy Reading!