I just finished a round of edits and will probably get another round soon. So the subject is on my mind. This is my take on edits and the process of editing. Other writers experiences may be different.
You’ve written your story. Polished it to the best of your ability. Either had the story accepted or have gotten an editor for your story.
Edits–sometimes they’re routine, sometimes they’re difficult. They’re part of the publishing process. (If you’re self/indie publishing find the right editor or editors for you and your story.)
- Edits should make you think. An editor offers you another viewpoint. This is your story. By the time I send my stories off, I’ve read it so many times, gone over parts of it over and over–smoothing and rephrasing, that I’ve lost perspective on it. I know it too well to see any mistakes or plot holes.
- A different view. Some of the best editors I’ve had have helped me see parts of the story in a different light. They’ve given me another take on how the story is perceived or how the character is coming off to a reader.
- Edits should not be one big cheer session. Yes, it’s great to get the occasional-This is great! or I like this! Edits, to me, are to find the problems in the story before it hits the stores.
- Editing changes. Most changes are routine. Fix spelling. Fix wandering body parts. Others though deal with the story. For me, as long as it doesn’t change the core essence of the story, I have no problem with almost any change asked.
- The best editing relations I’ve had up to this point have been a sort of dialogue–If I’m confused about what they want, I ask. If they’ve noted a point of confusion, I fix it and make a comment to explain what I’m intending. That way, they can tell if I’ve hit the right note or not.