Just a quick update tonight. Tomorrow, Adriana Kraft will be guest posting here and I’m mega excited about that!
I’m getting ready for the release of Familiar Desires. Sometimes it feels as if I’m running in circles in regards to that, but I know I’m making some progress there.
I have been writing. I’ve made some progress on the Sword and Sorcery WIP and although I love the characters, I’m simply glad that I only have to write the vampire and not deal with him as my heroine does. At least at the moment. I’m sure he’ll improve and I’ll be sighing over something he says and does. I know his heart is in the right place even if his mouth sometimes runs off before his mind can think of the ramifications.
And I’ve been getting some handwriting done! Sometimes it’s so much easier to get in the writing zone when sitting with a pen and pad. I’m not quite sure why, but even though it is slower going, I’ll probably always have at least one freehand project going. I’m so in love with Logan from the Bears. He’s big and growly, but can be sweet, although Chloe has only seen the growly part (as well as a little lascivious drugged behavior from him.)
Right now, I’m enjoying some music, writing (SS3 at the moment) and savoring the coolness from the much needed rains. Hope you are all having a great day.
Happy Reading!