WIP update



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I’ve been working mainly on Lisia’s Journey and Primal Encounter in the last few weeks, but I have gotten just a little done on Guarded beginnings. I know where I’m going. It’s just finding the time to work on it. Lisia’s Journey is over the word count that I’d thought it would be, but I’m definitely not complaining about that. I love the way the story is going and that the characters are giving me so much to write about.

The 70 Day Sweat has been good for me. I had been writing, but it felt harder to get the words onto the computer, as if I actually had to pull them out. And story ideas seemed a little stagnant. Now that I’m writing every day (and enjoying it very much–thank you Alison and the other sponsors behind the challenge), the ideas come much more freely and even more detailed. I’m not quite finished with the 80k I hope to finish before the end of the challenge. I don’t know if I’ll make it to the 50k mark on Primal Encounter, but I’m going to work on it.

The motivation has been great. Getting back into the habit of getting the words out no matter if they don’t seem absolutely perfect has been wonderful. I get so much more done and I’m not so stressed about it.