I’ve been working on the 70 day sweat and doing pretty good. I’m up to over 17 K! I’m so excited. I’ve been getting more written per day lately than I have in months and it feelts great. I know it will need more work than some of what I’ve written recently. I’m not taking the time to make sure that everyword is the best word for what I mean. Some of the transitions between scenes are a little rough when I look back over what I’ve written. But I’m still happy with it.
I break up my writing into two sessions or try to. A little or over 1100 words a day isn’t too much to ask. I’ve been doing that as well as work on another project. The true test is coming. I have to get a newsletter out in the next week and part of it involves a chapter of an ongoing free story. I still have to do that part and clean it up. So procrastination can not be an option if I want to keep on my goal. Also I’m doing a little cleaning on a finished product.
My word counts, like always, are estimates. I’m fully expecting to run over 30k on Lisia’s Journey. It’s turning out to have more elements than I’d expected. Primal Encounter will make 50k if not more. And I’m liking my heroines even though I’m learning about them as I go along. Dari from Primal Encounter has made me laugh with her attitude and some of her thoughts. I kid you not she wanted to rip the hero’s… Okay I’m keeping what she wanted to rip and why secret for a while. It might just make a good excerpt. That story heated up quickly. Now Lisia’s journey is taking a bit of a different route, but aside from attitude stemming from the situations within the scenes they’re happy and telling me what happens.
So good luck to all of those doing the 70 Days of Sweat and happy writing!