So I’m here




So what have I been doing in the last few weeks. Well, I have been writing. I’m still working on Denise’s men and the story is moving along at an okay pace. I wish it was faster right now. The short story I’m working is getting most of my attention because there is a deadline of when I need to have that done. I don’t know if I mentioned this before–I probably have–but I have trouble with short stories. If it’s not a main character changing midstory, its that the story starts off too slow for the word count and that means cutting and filling in details during the story. And simple sometimes goes right out the window. Okay, whine-fest is officially over.

I worked on edits and worked on my own working on the middle of Bound by Sorcery. There are a few spots there that I’m not really happy with. The last chapter of that is now in my editors hands and all I can do is wait and write on other things. I’m also working on my newsletter. After I get that sent out, I’ll be posting a new cover here.

But in consolation for the delay, I leave you with this:

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