On the writing front





Happy Monday!

Okay, I’ve been busy for the last few weeks. I’m currently cleaning up the last chapters of Bound by Sorcery for submission. I finally fixed the hole but I had to change the ending when I did. Luckily, it wasn’t that big of a fix.

I’m still working on the next story in the Second Chance universe, now called Denise’s Men. I’ve made some progress on that. Got some great ideas on the next few scenes. That title probably won’t hold. I’m searching for something that fits the story better.

I’m also writing a short story, werewolf paranormal. The title is currently up in the air. I’m thinking Wolf’s Witch or Witch’s Wolf. It’s giving me a few problems, but is coming along. I’m really more of a pantser. Long stories seem to come more naturally to me. And I like that I can comfortably write those without having to plan too much. But short stories sometimes eat my lunch. That’s not going to stop me from writing them.

Hope everyone has had a great Monday,
