


Spring has hit Texas and with it balmy temperatures. Now, I’ll take being hot over being cold any day, but I’d love some rain.

I’ve been keeping busy, but if you’ll notice my word meter hasn’t been moving on Reunion. I’ve been working on my dragon-vampire menage as well as rewrites so Mace and Honie have been sadly neglected, but I hope to be getting back to them soon.

I have a wonderful new idea, but I’m valiantly resisting the urge to work on it. I might write more than one story at a time, but I do have limits. Keeping the characters from four stories straight is more than I can handle. The sheer volume of character voices in my head would drive me insane. But I’m not taking any chances on losing that storyline. I’m writing down every thing I know about the characters and the back story. So those two are going to have to wait their turn–but I don’t think they’re going to handle it gracefully.