Long absence



I’ve been practically nonexistant on the web lately. Not entirely my fault. My ISP which shall remain nameless has been giving me trouble. Until recently, all I could do was read my mail. I couldn’t do anything important. NO sending mail, no posting on my blog, no responding to posts, no updating my website. Many frustrating exchanges with support people later, I can post, but the page doesn’t load right. But just being able to communicate is a blessing. Sometimes I feel like such a tech moron.
But in my absence I have been writing. I’ve been working on both revisions to finished WIPs and my new stories. You’ll be hearing more about that soon. I do have some exciting news. I’m doing an interview with JERR for their upcoming newsletter along with Candie Keane and Denise Rossetti. I’m so excited. Jumping up and down excited!